Plot 27

Plot 27
Sandy's Allotment

Wednesday 7 April 2010

7th April 2010

Well yesterday I did go and water the crops so far. Thankfully the rabbits had stayed away and all was well. I was pleased and excited to see the water pipes going in and look forward to just walking along and turning a tap on rather than filling a watering can and transporting it the couple of miles.

Yesterday was fantastic as many more allotmenteers were on site, though as a result, I fear I spent more time chatting than actually working. The camaraderie was fantastic. It is also fascinating to watch to see how others are tackling their plot of land.

Great discussion ensued as to marking out paths, raised beds, type and materials.

Oh, I have ordered my shed but this needs a base and one of our members has kindly taken on the task of advising the rest of us how this can be done, only of course if we need advising. Indeed, I have been very fortunate as he has kindly agreed to stake out and make the said base for me for an agreed price. In addition Dave has also agreed to make two very large raised beds one of which is designated for strawberries and the other is currently being deliberated on by Nick and I.

Yesterday afternoon was spent chatting with my friend Alison, after which I took a slight detour home via Wyevale our local garden centre. I needed to buy a small hand fork for work in the garden at home. While there I noticed that they had a 3 for 4 offer on fruit bushes so although I came away with my hand fork I also came away with 2 redcurrant, 1 blackcurrant and 1 whitecurrant bush. I already have 1 redcurrant and 1 blackcurrant in the garden and I intend digging them up and transplanting them onto Plot 27.

Today middle daughter is heading back to Falmouth University via Gloucester so I am staying home in order that I might take her and luggage to the station. Then this afternoon I shall be meeting up with friends for lunch and on returning home will fill up my watering can and go water my crops.

That's all for today...

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