Plot 27

Plot 27
Sandy's Allotment

Saturday 10 April 2010

Saturday 10th April 2010

It is Saturday and today again the weather was perfect for being down at Plot 27.

Today's task was to plant the currant bushes and create a strawberry bed. First of all I had to dig up one blackcurrant and one red currant from our garden. The blackcurrant wasn't too troublesome but the red was determined to stay exactly where it is. So I shall have to wait for Nick to help me out.

Arrived with a car full of essentials. Unloaded and began work digging out the trenches for the currants. Then planted and watered. I now need to stop planting as the water I can carry from my butt at home is limited and although Alan and Eileen have said I can help myself to the water from their butt in the front garden I am conscious that they need the water too. Yesterday the taps were fitted and we can only hope that at the beginning of next week we will have a working water supply.

I then added some compost to the first of the large raised beds and added a blackout mesh, which deprives the soil of light, no weeds, but allows the water through. At this point Nick arrived and he set about digging out the runner bean bed. I decided that I would dig over between the raspberries and loganberries and while doing so thought that at present there would be room for a row of seed potatoes. The plants are quite young and have yet to fill out so this would be a bonus.

The Allotment site was buzzing today, the first day of the weekend. Lots of new faces all anxiously looking at their plots and wondering how they were going to tackle it. Most of the visitors set to work straight away and the guy diagonally opposite looked as though he were heading down to Australia when at one point he disappeared into quite a substantial hole... The ground we are growing on used to be a brick works and there is lots of debris buried under the soil and he managed to find one huge piece of rubbish. Makes me wonder what lays buried beneath Plot 27...

Friday 9 April 2010

9th April 2010

Back from Plot 27 having spent a lovely morning digging.

Nick took the day off work to help so we both rose early and headed off at 8am.

Nick's task as per yesterdays blog was to help load up with soil left from the car park and fill one of the raised beds. This was achieved. While he was doing this I dug out the area for the second raised bed. Chose the spot where I had inadvertently created the hole so now the plot is once more level. Yeah.

There were even more Allotmenteers present today and everyone was busily going about their allotment in their own unique way. One plot now has a completed shed with a veranda. Another was rotovating his plot with sheer determination and the effects were marvelous.

Meanwhile on Plot 27 we are just mooching along at our own pace which is very relaxed. Each day a target is set and provided that is met then I am happy.

Whilst working we had a lovely surprise our neighbour Alison together with her three girls, Hannah, Emily and Sasha came visiting. The children made themselves useful by creating a flower using stones from our plot a photo of which can be seen on the blog.

Just before we left we began digging out two lines for our red and blackcurrants which we plan to plant tomorrow.

Thursday 8 April 2010

8th April 2010

Yesterday arrived home to find that a friend had left me 3 bags of very good quality horse muck by my front door. There was also an email from David to say that 2 very large raised beds had been made and were waiting for me on my plot. How lucky am I to have two such supportive people around me.

Woke up to glorious sunshine and no commitments. I decided that I would get to the plot early today. So having walked the dog and eaten breakfast I managed to set off and arrived on site at 8am.

My task today was an obvious one. To turn over and fine weed an area large enough to accommodate one of the raised beds which David had made for me and then move it into position.

I am pleased to report that I was very successful in this task which was quickly followed by the emptying of the 3 bags of horse muck inside. I then headed off, pushing my wheelbarrow, to the other side of the car park in progress to fill it with some top soil. A huge pile of which was created by our contractor when digging out our car park.

Unfortunately the car park is not finished yet and actually getting the wheel barrow there was the first hurdle as it is not particularly even at this point in time. Having arrived I then began to shovel some top soil into the barrow. That went well and I must say very good top soil it is too. However turning round and trying to wheel the barrow now fully laden over an uneven rough car park was not the easiest of tasks. As I am not one to give up without a battle I persevered and am pleased to report that I managed, albeit in very small pushes to get the top soil back to Plot 27 and in particular to the raised bed. I have resolved, however, to delegate this task of filling a raised bed to Nick, my better half.

All in all clearing the land, moving the raised bed, adding horse muck and one wheelbarrow load of topsoil took four and a half hours of concentrated effort.

It is however, wonderfully satisfying.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

7th April 2010

Well yesterday I did go and water the crops so far. Thankfully the rabbits had stayed away and all was well. I was pleased and excited to see the water pipes going in and look forward to just walking along and turning a tap on rather than filling a watering can and transporting it the couple of miles.

Yesterday was fantastic as many more allotmenteers were on site, though as a result, I fear I spent more time chatting than actually working. The camaraderie was fantastic. It is also fascinating to watch to see how others are tackling their plot of land.

Great discussion ensued as to marking out paths, raised beds, type and materials.

Oh, I have ordered my shed but this needs a base and one of our members has kindly taken on the task of advising the rest of us how this can be done, only of course if we need advising. Indeed, I have been very fortunate as he has kindly agreed to stake out and make the said base for me for an agreed price. In addition Dave has also agreed to make two very large raised beds one of which is designated for strawberries and the other is currently being deliberated on by Nick and I.

Yesterday afternoon was spent chatting with my friend Alison, after which I took a slight detour home via Wyevale our local garden centre. I needed to buy a small hand fork for work in the garden at home. While there I noticed that they had a 3 for 4 offer on fruit bushes so although I came away with my hand fork I also came away with 2 redcurrant, 1 blackcurrant and 1 whitecurrant bush. I already have 1 redcurrant and 1 blackcurrant in the garden and I intend digging them up and transplanting them onto Plot 27.

Today middle daughter is heading back to Falmouth University via Gloucester so I am staying home in order that I might take her and luggage to the station. Then this afternoon I shall be meeting up with friends for lunch and on returning home will fill up my watering can and go water my crops.

That's all for today...

Sunday 4 April 2010

It is Bank Holiday Monday and the day I actually start working on my first ever allotment and I am really excited.

Although the village where I live has been asking for an allotment site for 30 years ago it wasn't until 5 years ago that our village formed a society. Although there is a requirement to provide allotments once so many people show interest it is a completely different issue finding suitable land. You may look out and see lots of rural land and think no problem. However that land may already be earmarked for development or other activities.

Enough! We have the land and with effect from the 2nd April 2010 we have been allowed on to it. Great excitment at being a brand new Allotmenteer, but also quite daunting to see this 10M by 15M patch of bare land.

What shall we grow and more importantly where shall we put it? What conditions do the seed's, tubers etc need? This really is quite confusing.

I have always grown some vegetables in the garden but on a small scale. I now have the room to grow lots of lovely crops but we need to eat those crops too so no point in growing something we can't eat! Oh decisions, decisions.

After much deliberation we, my husband and I headed off to the garden centre yesterday with a view to buying both seed potatoes and asparagus crowns. This we did but also came back with blackberry, loganberry and raspberry canes.

So what to do today. The first job is to mark out the plot with string and create path/walkways and areas of land which once turned over can be used to plant crops.

I have decided there is no point in trying to dig over the entire plot to begin with. Rather than to create areas and then decide what to plant and then dig that area over and plant the designated crop. Making sure that all the nutrients and conditions are in place for that particular crop.

My priority today is an asparagus bed. A vegetable which the whole family enjoys but it takes a minimum of 2 years before it can be harvested and more importantly it is recommended that the last planting takes place in April and we are already in April!

Yes I am in this for the long haul and feel very privileged to have been given this opportunity in life.

I will let you know how I get on tomorrow....